Tuesday, September 27, 2011


What is chocolate?  Where does it come from?  Chocolate actually comes from the cac0a bean that is grown in Africa.  This is the only place that you can grow the cacao  because you need the hot climate.  The cacao goes in a tree and when it is time to harvest the fruit, you pick the fruit and then remove the outer shell.  Once you have remove the outer shell you will find the cacao bean.  You then need to lay the beans out to dry.  This takes several weeks.  Once the beans are dry, they are then transported to the USA to chocolate maker or you could say people that like to be Willie Wonker.  You then have to mill the cacao bean to squeeze the chocolate butter out.  The butter is used to make white chocolate.  The rest is used to make dark chocolate.  By adding a milk product to dark chocolate you will then get your milk chocolate. 

There are several varieties of chocolate.  There white, dark, bitter, semi-sweet, and milk chocolate.  These are the basic or foundation of chocolate.  We have chocolatiers that enhance their chocolate by adding flavors to them.  They way that you can full appreciate chocolate, you would need to know the proper way of consuming it. 

Chocolate is like wine.  When you have a glass a wine, do you inspect it?  Do you look at the color? Do you smell the aroma of the bouquet?

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