Sunday, October 2, 2011


There are so many varieties of mushrooms. They are used for so many things in the culinary world. Mushrooms help enhance flavors to your sauces. A mushroom would be considered a umami sense (a fifth sense that was founded by the Japanese). Umami senses help you know more of bold, earthy flavors. The most common mushroom that is used is the button mushroom. It is a small mushroom and is white in color. These are the ones that you would most likely see in the supermarket. The Portabella mushroom is a large mushroom and you using would used the cap of this mushroom for stuffing are putting on a sandwich. I know people say they do not like mushrooms because it is a type of fungus and it grows in moist, shaded areas. But the mushroom adds so many flavors to your cuisine. Have you really look to see if there are mushrooms in some of the things that you eat? Today society is getting to the place where we are always on the go and so they stop to pick something so they do not have to cook because they are tired. Unless the mushroom is one of the dominant ingredients when might not even know that it is in the food. For example: béchamel (which is a cream sauce) has finely chopped mushrooms in it. It helps with the flavoring of the cream along with the onion, bay leaf, and clove. Once it has cooked for a length of time, you would strain the items from the cream. The flavor comes out wonderful.  You should try the different types of mushrooms that are out there and see the different types of flavors that each one has.  You will be surprise.

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